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THE ARTISTS OF Galerie Herbert-Fort

French contemporary art & art crafts

Jean Matrot

Oil paintings & bronze sculptures

Oil paintings French urban landscape and scenes from life.

Sophie Guyot


Hand-pleated and hand-dyed silk scarves and shawls

Sophie West

Art jewelry

Hand-embroidered jewelry

Martha Stahlkopf


Functional porcelain creations

Cécile Lowy

Earthenware with majolica decoration

Sculptures and functional earthenware creations, hand-decorated majolica

Brigitte Chassang

Wood-fired stoneware and porcelain

Wood-fired stoneware and porcelain

Bertrand Girard

Acrylic paintings

Acrylic paintings, scenes from French life

Armel Jullien

Oil paintings

Oil paintings, scenes of rural French life.

Marc Folly

Watercolor Paintings

Watercolors, landscapes and workshop still life scenes.

Frédérique Domergue

Oxidization and patinas on metal

Artwork inspired by nature and made in harmony with the elements.

David Mansot

Poetic architecture

A world of memories, of dreams, of imaginaition...

Athena Jahantigh

Ceramic sculpture

Ceramic sculpture

Florence Lemoine

Verre soufflé

Lamps and decorative objets of blown glass

Les Gugus

Handmade plush creatures

A world of sweet, funny plush personalities