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Galerie Herbert-Fort in Châteauneuf celebrates contemporary French art, with a rich and diverse offering of beautiful, meaningful pieces to decorate your home with unique, authentic style.

In the heart of one of "France's Most Beautiful Villages"

A gallery dedicated to contemporary French art

These days, taking one’s time to create has become an act of resistance to the rythms and pressures of modern life.
At Galerie Herbert-Fort, you’ll find works that inspire as much through their beauty and originality as by the authentic human qualities and values they’re infused with.
Every 4 to 6 weeks you’ll find a new exhibition of paintings and/or sculptures to discover, as well as a diverse collection of art crafts from all over France.

From March 29
through May 5 2024

Armel Jullien

Oil paintings

Unique art crafts,
Unique atmospheres

Our Mission

Contemplating a work of art allows you a brief escape from reality, a small step back from everyday concerns. An opportunity to reflect on, and perhaps better experience, our own lives.
Here in Châteauneuf, far from typical urban contemporary art venues, you can take the time to discover and experience works that exemplify France’s vibrant artistic culture.
Our exhibitions strive to serve as windows to the world – as it is, as we imagine it, as we dream it.

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